Sanath Nishantha s driver remanded

remanded in custody until 05 February by the magistrate.Earlier today, the police recorded a statement from the driver in question, who
drove the vehicle belonging to late State Minister which was involved in the accident that killed the lawmaker and his security guard on
Thursday morning (Jan.25)
He had reportedly detailed the moment when the fatal collision had occurred, to the police officers.During interrogation, the driver,
The [state] minister was asleep at the time
I overtook the car in front of us, from the left side
currently receiving medical care at the Colombo North Teaching Hospital in Ragama, further stated that he ended up crashing into the
roadside barrier as he lost control of the vehicle after rear-ending the container truck.Certain media reports, citing the findings of
ongoing investigations, had mentioned that the vehicle had been speeding at 160kmph at the time of the incident.According to hospital
sources, the state minister had sustained serious injuries to his head and right leg.Meanwhile, the remains of the late State Minister were
taken to his residence in Puttalam this afternoon
Many politicians representing both ruling party and the opposition including President Ranil Wickremesinghe, Prime Minister Dinesh
Gunawardena, former Presidents Gotabaya Rajapaksa and Mahinda Rajapaksa paid their final respects to the late State Minister at the
Jayaratne Funeral Parlour in Borella last night and this morning, and offered their condolences to the bereaved family members.