Cough and cold spread in Mugu diagnosed as viral influenza

KATHMANDU, JANUARY 31The cough and cold that spread in Purumuru, Soru rural
municipality-6 of Mugu district, have been identified as influenza.
Three succumb to viral fever in Mugu
Schools closed due to increasing cold
Three people have died, and 150 have fallen seriously ill due to the disease spreading in Jima and
Purumuru of the rural municipality over the past two and a half weeks.A lab test on samples taken from 135 sick people confirmed that the
disease was influenza, according to Dr
Kamal Dhungana of the District Hospital Mugu
The samples were examined at the National Public Health Laboratory Teku in Kathmandu. Topendra Bahadur KC, Chief District
Officer of Mugu, stated that a team comprising three doctors from the Epidemiology Division under the Ministry of Health and Population, the
World Health Organization, and the District Hospital has departed for the area upon confirmation of the influenza.Keshar Bahadur Shahi,
Vice-chair of the rural municipality, mentioned that the rural municipality has mobilized health workers in the affected area, and the
number of patients is gradually declining in both affected settlements.
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