Pakistan election- Imran Khan and Nawaz Sharif each claim advantage

celebrate.Independent candidates linked to him have won most seats so far, with the majority of seats declared.But another ex-PM, Nawaz
Sharif, says his party has emerged the largest and urges others to join him in coalition.No group or party appears on course to win an
overall majority
The final results are yet to be announced.In a staunch video message posted on X created using AI, Mr Khan claimed his Pakistan
been convicted in cases he says are politically motivated.The success of the PTI-linked candidates was unexpected, with most experts
political horse-trading begins in earnest, which means it could still be a while before anyone is able to claim outright victory.In a speech
on Friday, Mr Sharif acknowledged that he did not have the numbers to form a government alone
US voiced concerns over restrictions on electoral freedoms during the vote.British Foreign Secretary David Cameron said the UK urged
credible elections.Voters in Lahore told the BBC that the internet blackout on polling day meant it was not possible to book taxis to go and
vote, while others said they could not co-ordinate when to head to polling stations with their family members.An interior ministry spokesman
said the blackouts were necessary for security reasons.Support from the military in Pakistan is seen as important to succeed politically,
and analysts believe Mr Sharif and his party currently have their backing, despite their differences in the past.Maya Tudor, associate
under the age of 35
More than 5,000 candidates - of whom just 313 are women - contested 266 directly-elected seats in the 336-member National