Ambulance out of service in Bajura Hospital, patients face difficulties

BAJURA, APRIL 30The ambulance at District Hospital Bajura has been out of service for
a month, due to the lack of repair and maintenance owing to the financial constraints
The absence of ambulance services has created significant difficulties for patients that are referred to hospitals outside the district.
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According to Dr
Samita Pun, Chief of Bajura Hospital, the hospital has been unable to repair the ambulance due to the lack of funds, and has remain inactive
for about a month
She also pointed out that the hospital has not received any financial support from the provincial government for ambulance repair costs.The
hospital has spent approximately 3 lakhs this fiscal year on ambulance operations, however, it has only generated mere Rs 40,000 revenue,
falling short of covering repair expenses
Dr Pun added. The ambulance is old causing frequent breakdowns
Each breakdown costs at least 1 lakh in repair and bring the ambulance to operation, added Information Officer Nriparaj Giri.The Ambulance
Management Committee Bajura had set rates for ambulance use, but fuel price disparities since then have made it difficult for the hospital
to cover operational costs, the hospital said.Patients, particularly those in serious conditions requiring ambulance transport to other
hospitals, face risks as they are forced to resort to using jeeps and buses due to the absence of ambulance services
The ambulance had been providing some convenience, but its frequent breakdowns have caused significant difficulties for patients, locals
claimed.According to a local resident Bal Bahadur Rokaya the problems with the ambulance has been persistent.
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