National ICT day being observed today

KATHMANDU, MAY 2The National Information and Communications Technology (ICT) day is
being observed today by organizing various programmes.
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Every year May 2 has been celebrated as the National ICT Day to
push for development and promotion of information and communications technology in the country.On the occasion, the Ministry of
Communications and Information Technology is hosting a special function today featuring Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal 'Prachanda' as the
chief guest. On the same occasion, individuals and organizations having remarkable contributions to the enrichment of
information and communications sector are to be honoured.The government has been implementing several initiatives for the advancement and
promotion of information technology by recognizing it as a prime basis of economic prosperity along with agriculture, tourism and
energy.Minister for Communications and Information Technology Rekha Sharma said the government has mooted a plan to advance socio-economic
transformation of the country through the use and promotion of technology.Minister Sharma told RSS that the government has focused its
efforts for ICT sector development with confidence that it can create a solid foundation for prosperity.'Earlier we used to consider
agriculture, tourism and energy as the base of prosperity
Lately, ICT has also been recognized
The young generation also has developed confidence and enthusiasm to utilize technology dividends to steer the country to the path of
development", she noted.The Minister further said, "The government is effortful to facilitate the use and adoption of ICT".
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