[Sri Lanka] - BASL expresses issue over extended hold-ups in judicial appointments

The Bar Association of Sri Lanka (BASL) has raised significant concerns regarding the prolonged delay in appointing judges to fill vacancies
currently existing within the Court of Appeal.The Bar Association has emphasized its duty to express deep concern over the situation,
stressing the urgent need for attention
The association also underscored the pivotal role of the judiciary in upholding the rule of law, ensuring justice, and safeguarding
extended periods
The backlog of cases would increase, leading to delays in the dispensation of justice, erosion of public trust in the legal system, and
ultimately, the denial of justice to citizens
expertise crucial for comprehensive and balanced adjudication.While acknowledging the complexity of the appointment process, the Bar
BASL reiterated its commitment to safeguarding the principles of democracy and the sovereignty of citizens enshrined in the Constitution,
expressing hope for an expeditious and favourable response from the authorities.