Scott, Shayna end up being very first American deaf couple to scale Makalu

KATHMANDU, MAY 14With an aim of amplifying global awareness about the deaf and hard of
hearing community, the US-based deaf couple successfully scaled Mt Makalu this morning.
Convention on the Rights of
Persons with Disabilities: Implementing the legal capacity
Deaf American
couple to scale Makalu this season According to
Chhang Dawa Sherpa, Expedition Director at Seven Summit Treks, Scott Lehmann and Shayna Unger, both born profoundly deaf, scaled the world's
fifth highest mountain at 5:10am.The couple stood atop the 8,463-metre peak along with Mingma Dorchi and Mingma Tenje Sherpa, the
record-holding twins from Makalu, Sankhuwasabha, said Chhang Dawa. Scott and Shayna also become the first American deaf
couple to scale the mountain, he added.This is the twins' second summit on Makalu as they were also part of the fixing team which opened a
route on April 11.In 2023, the deaf couple scaled Mt Everest on May 22 and also made it to the top of Mt Lhotse the next day
With these feats, Shayna became the first deaf woman to reach this pinnacle, and Scott the first deafAmerican to reach the summit of Mt
Everest, SST's Director Pasang Phurba Sherpa shared.'We are committed to create spaces where outdoor spaces are truly accessible and
welcoming to all so everyone can connect and explore the wonders of nature,' the couple earlier shared with THT.The couple had also climbed
some of the world's highest mountains, like Kilimanjaro, Aconcagua, Denali, Mont Blanc and Matterhorn.
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