U.S. Accuses Russia of Launching Space Weapon in American Satellite’s Orbit

said Tuesday, coming amid recent accusations from both Washington and Moscow that each side is seeking to weaponize space.A Russian
for Special Affairs in the UN, Robert Wood, leveled similar accusations at Moscow ahead of a failed vote on a Russian-drafted resolution
led a veto of that resolution following a Russian veto of a U.S.-drafted resolution last month.Citing an unidentified U.S
Space Command spokesperson, Reuters reported Wednesday that the COSMOS 2576 satellite, which is said to be capable of inspecting and
attacking other objects in orbit, was secretly launched from the northern Arkhangelsk region last week.U.S
Reuters.COSMOS 2576 appears to be trailing a U.S
intelligence agencies reportedly informed allies about the Russian satellite deployment before its launch, which also included civilian
of seeking to place weapons in outer space.When asked if Moscow had specific information regarding U.S
He did not provide further details.In February, the White House said Russia was developing a space-based anti-satellite weapon