[Russia] - Norway Bans Entry to Russian Tourists

Norway on Thursdayannounced that it would restrict entry to Russian tourists, shutting their last direct access to Europe's border-free
that shares a 198-kilometer border with Russia in the Arctic, stopped issuing most tourist visas to Russians in the spring of 2022 following
Schengen visa from Norway both before and after it stopped issuing the document to Russian citizens in spring 2022, as well as those who
hold visas from other Schengen zone countries
Exceptions will be made for work, study and those visiting close family in Norway.Long-term visa holders and those with visas from other
Schengen member countries had until the new ban been able to cross via the Storskog-Boris Gleb border crossing, the only one between the
The move came after tit-for-tat diplomat expulsions.Although not an EU member state, Norway has adopted sanctions against Russia in tandem
with those introduced by the bloc.AFP contributed reporting.