Russia Downs Ukrainian Drone in Republic of Tatarstan

Russian air defense systems on Thursday shot down a Ukrainian drone flying over the republic of Tatarstan, more than 1,000 kilometers
Moscow time, shortly after airports in the capital Kazan and the city of Nizhnekamsk introduced flightrestrictions over threats of an
attack.Workers at two oil refineries and one polymer factory were brieflyevacuated around the same time, according to the regional news
outlet 7x7.Mayor of the Tatarstan city of Yelabuga, Rustem Nuriyev, told the state-run news agency TASS that the drone had been downed
somewhere over the Yelabuga district.Nuriyev added that the attempted drone attack did not cause any damage.A video shared on social
background.The city of Yelabuga houses an assembly site for Iranian-designed Shahed drones, which have been widely used by Russian forces in
indication that Ukraine has dramatically improved its ability to strike deep within Russian territory since the start of the war.In early
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