[Russia] - FSB Launches Sweeping Purge of Military Elites With Kremlin's Approval

The recent arrests of five top Russian military officers are likely just the first of dozens of military figures who will be jailed in a
sweeping purge by the security services, Russian government officials and sources close to the Kremlin and the Defense Ministry told The
Moscow Times.Ostensibly an effort to stamp out military corruption, the Federal Security Service (FSB) is going after high-ranking generals
The FSB is mopping up [former Defense Minister Sergei] Shoigu's team
told The Moscow Times.A meeting with commanders of troops of military districts.kremlin.ruThe purge appears to be the culmination of wartime
are finished
the Russian government official said.Security service officers handling corruption investigations had visited the Defense Ministry's
corruption schemes in the Defense Ministry, criminal cases have been piled up
told The Moscow Times.Former Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and his deputy Timur Ivanov in 2023.Russian Defense Ministry / TASSThe
security services, and Shoigu, the head of the military, the FSB has nonetheless won in this standoff.In addition, FSB officials could
Times.When asked whether the purges could hinder the war effort by throwing the military leadership into disarray at a time when Russia is
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