Ukraine Shelling of Russian Border Town Kills 2 - Governor

Ukrainian shelling of a Russian town close to the border killed two people on Saturday, Belgorod region governor Vyacheslav Gladkov
said."Ukrainian armed forces fired on the settlement of Oktyabrsky from a rocket launcher
To my great sorrow, two people were killed: a man and a woman had numerous shrapnel wounds incompatible with life," Gladkov wrote on
Telegram.The governor said that according to initial information 10 other people received shrapnel injuries, including an eight-year-old
boy.Ukraine regularly fires across the border into the Belgorod region, which adjoins the Kharkiv region, where Russia launched an offensive
on May 10 and has captured territory.The Saturday strike set on fire a private house and damaged 21 surrounding houses, a block of flats and
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