Comgás Outperforms Petrobras in Per-Share Dividend Payout

In 2024, dividend payments are on track to hit record highs
Through May, shareholders have received a total of R$ 128.83 billion ($24.54 billion).This marks a significant 31% surge compared to the
same period in both 2022 and 2023.Data from the Meu Dividendo platform reveals that in 2022 and 2023, figures stood at R$ 98.35 billion
(Photo Internet reproduction)The company paid R$ 12.08 ($2.30) per preferred share (CGAS5) and R$ 10.93 ($2.08) per ordinary share
Nordeste (BNBR3) rewarded its investors with R$ 3.16 ($0.60) per share.Petrobras trails behind these companies in per-share dividends,
despite leading in total dividends distributed.In terms of overall dividends distributed, the three largest contributors of the R$ 128.83
(ITUB4) with R$ 22.03 billion ($4.20 billion), and Vale (VALE3), which paid out R$ 12.43 billion ($2.37 billion).Reviewing the dividends per
share, Petrobras paid R$ 2.82 ($0.54), followed by Vale with R$ 2.74 ($0.52) per share, and Ita, which distributed R$ 2.25 ($0.43) per