[Brazil] - Sky-High Salaries: Why Brazil's Judiciary Costs So Much More Than France's

homicide case involving a German consul in Rio de Janeiro and revealed ties between the police, organized crime, and politicians.In November
2023, local media reported that Pieranti earned a paycheck totaling 1.1 million reais ($210,000), of which 80% was attributed to
(Photo Internet reproduction)In 2023, the judiciary spent 132 billion reais (around $25 billion), costing each citizen roughly $125 annually
Salaries and benefits consume nearly 90% of this budget.The Estado newspaper criticized the lavish spending that benefits elite public
officials.Although these high salaries are legal, they often exceed caps by 25 times and spark public debate
For example, in February, 46 judges in Rondonia each received over a million reais.Judicial Expenses Under ScrutinyTransparency laws allow
public scrutiny over these financial practices, with discussions intensifying as Congress debates periodic salary increases for
amid frequent criticisms.With 18,000 judges managing 80 million cases, expenses have risen by 60% over the past 15 years.Brazilian judges,
as some of the highest-paid public employees, enjoy two months of vacation annually, doubling the legal standard.In addition, recent
scheduling changes for a legal forum in Lisbon underscore their privileged status, contrasting sharply with the economic realities of most
distribution.In short, effective reforms could align judicial compensation with public fund management, creating a more equitable system.