‘The Kremlin Wants Us to Forget His Name’: Supporters Pay Tribute to Navalny on His 48th Birthday

supporters, told The Moscow Times.Navalny, a fierce opponent of President Vladimir Putin who galvanized mass opposition protests in Russia,
died in February in an Arctic penal colony under unclear circumstances
His family and supporters blame the Kremlin for his death.The rally in The Hague was one of several events held across Europe to mark his
victims of Soviet-era political repression in cities like St
Petersburg, Perm and Vladivostok.His widow Yulia Navalnaya and several of his close allies attended a memorial service in Berlin, where his
Ukraine and in Russia
also held in front of the Russian Embassies in Riga, Latvia; Yerevan, Armenia; and Vilnius, Lithuania.Demonstrators in The Hague called on
local authorities to rename the street near the Russian Embassy after Navalny, with many holding up signs reading the proposed
February in the Arctic penal colony where he was serving a 19-year sentence on charges he and his supporters called politically
January 2021, when he returned to Russia after recovering abroad from a near-fatal poisoning with the nerve agent Novichok that he blamed on
flee the country to avoid prosecution.In the months leading up to his death, Navalny was repeatedly placed in solitary confinement and
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