China Invests Heavily in Brazilian Renewable Energy Sector

Rio Grande do Norte, these wind farms will provide 105.4 megawatts (MW) of power.Construction is set to begin in January 2025, with
operations starting the following year.SPIC is also making waves in the solar energy market
securing a 70% stake.The total investment in these solar parks amounts to R$2 billion ($420 million)
They boast a combined capacity of 738 megawatts peak (MWp).China Invests Heavily in Brazilian Renewable Energy Sector
(Photo Internet reproduction)SPIC has already sold approximately 65% of the generated energy through long-term contracts
The remaining energy will be sold on the free market.Additionally, the China Energy Engineering Corporation (CEEC) has secured contracts to
build 869 MW of renewable power plants in Brazil.This includes a 231-MW wind farm and a 638-MW solar park, both in Rio Grande do Norte
and their auxiliary systems
Brazil meet its renewable energy goals and reduce its carbon footprint.Finally, by investing in Brazil, China strengthens its position as a
showcase the potential for significant growth and collaboration between the two nations.As Brazil continues to develop its renewable energy