[Brazil] - Brazil's Trade Surplus: A Detailed Look at May's Economic Dynamics

decrease from last year, while imports edged up slightly by 0.5% to $21.804 billion.The fluctuation in trade figures corresponds with
significant price changes in both imports and exports
Average prices dipped by 5.1% for exports and 6.5% for imports.Moreover, exported goods volumes declined by 1.9%, contrasting with a 7.5%
(Photo Internet reproduction)Analyzing the sectors, the extractive industry thrived with a 13.8% increase in exports, primarily fueled by
robust petroleum sales.However, the agricultural sector saw an 18.5% drop in exports, mainly due to faltering soybean sales.The
manufacturing sector also struggled, with a 9.2% reduction in exports, particularly in fuels and soy meal products.From January to May,
amounted to $138.809 billion against imports of $102.922 billion.These statistics are crucial, as they illustrate the challenges Brazil
faces in its trade strategy amidst volatile global market conditions.This narrative is essential as it underscores the vital role
resilience and vulnerability of various sectors
stakeholders navigating the complexities of global trade and economic planning.