Health officials emphasize need for additional measures to combat spread of dengue

Director of the National Dengue Control Unit Dr
Sudath Samaraweera, emphasized that dengue disease extends beyond mere health implications, presenting significant economic and social
He underscored that the Ministry of Health alone cannot effectively control the spread of dengue and requires full public support.Dr
Sudath Samaraweera, disclosed that within the last five months of this year, over 25,000 dengue cases and nine dengue-related deaths have
been reported.Director of the National Dengue Control Unit Dr
Sudath Samaraweera, a specialist, made this revelation while participating in a special news conference held at the Presidential Media
Centre today (06).He also emphasized the critical importance of effectively managing the spread of the disease, noting that the current
flood situation could potentially escalate the dengue outbreak to an epidemic level.Dr
Sudath Samaraweera, further commented,Dengue is a preventable disease that can affect individuals of any age or socioeconomic status
While many individuals recover from dengue, it also poses a risk of mortality
This inherent risk underscores the importance of ongoing public education initiatives focused on dengue prevention
Particularly during the monsoon season, it is imperative to raise awareness about dengue and its prevention.In light of the epidemic
situation observed towards the end of 2023, the number of reported cases surged to over 10,000 in January 2024
However, this figure gradually declined, with only 2234 cases reported by April
Nonetheless, the number of reported cases increased to 2647 in May
The recent floods may exacerbate the breeding of dengue mosquitoes, potentially leading to a further increase in dengue cases in the
future.Dengue transcends being solely a health concern; it extends into economic and social realms
Consequently, effective dengue control cannot be achieved by the Ministry of Health alone; it necessitates the full support of the public
Preventing dengue requires a collaborative effort involving all government departments, the private sector, and the entire
population.Chairman of the National Drug Regulatory Authority and a specialist at the National Institute of Infectious Diseases, Dr
Ananda Wijewickrama, advises that during this period, individuals experiencing symptoms such as high fever, abdominal pain, vomiting, severe
headache, and diarrhoea should consider the possibility of having contracted dengue disease.In such cases, it is crucial to prioritize
physical rest
medications may lead to serious complications
If symptoms persist for more than two days, it is recommended to undergo a Full Blood Count (FBC) and seek medical advice from a government
Hospitalization will be determined based on the severity of symptoms and medical assessment.During this time, it is essential to ensure
It is crucial to avoid liquids that are red in colour or contain artificial chemicals
Following medical advice is imperative for managing dengue disease and mitigating its severity
It is important to note that the reduction of fever does not signify the cure of dengue.Individuals who are particularly vulnerable to
complications, including young children, diabetics, pregnant mothers, elderly individuals, and obese patients, should seek medical advice
promptly.Community Medical Officer at the National Dengue Control Unit, Dr
Anoja Dheerasinghe reports that in the year 2024, Sri Lanka recorded a total of 25,417 dengue cases
Particularly in the districts of Colombo, Gampaha, Kalutara, Ratnapura, Kandy, Kegay (.|krundy, napnt mequuo;have a doeulnerther increasases
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