Russia Says Its Forests Can Absorb Its Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Climate Change and Poor Forestry Standards Make This Unlikely.

then within the next one or two decades, Russian forests will become a carbon source," a Russian forestry expert said.And according to the
ramping up reforestation and combatting illegal logging and wildfires.Yet experts doubt whether current measures will be enough for the
And in this regard, Russia is a world leader
This gives me grounds to publicly state that Russia is the planet's ecological donor," Ivanov said at the St
Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) in 2022.At SPIEF 2024 this week, Economic Development Minister Maxim Reshetnikov echoed this
absorption."The underlying reason is clear: the country [Russia] exports mainly carbon-containing natural resources and does not want to do
they added.Researchers from the Moscow-based Izrael Institute of Global Climate and Ecology found that Russia's greenhouse gas emissions
source after 2050 due to increased methane release from the continental shelf and melting permafrost.An international team of researchers
an exiled Russian environmental economist said.Multiple threatsExperts say that the increasing frequency and severity of wildfires in
lost to fires each year exceeds the area lost to clear-cut logging by two to three times on average.Other climate-induced problems include
becomes even bleaker when forest management practices are factored in, the forestry expert noted, with crucial decisions sometimes based on
which grow slower and therefore absorb less carbon than fast-growing birch or aspen, which would naturally overgrow if left
And everything that is cleared rots away and goes into the atmosphere," they said.The expert also pointed to the Far East Sakhalin region,
which as part of its plan to achieve climate neutrality is planting larch
Because the chosen site is a raised bog peat with very poor soil, the expert said, the plantation will not survive."Roslesinforg [the
federal forestry body] has lost so many specialists during Putin's time that they might no longer understand basic things like this," they
said.Planting of larch in the Far East Sakhalin region.Sakhalin region Forestry and Hunting AgencyThe forest management expert said the
Reforestation measures are generally not very effective, and they are not truly implemented," they said.A study of reforestation in the
Moscow region from 1999 to 2022 by the Earth Touches Me environmental project showed that some young plantations perished due to a lack of
forests.Outside Russia's fourth-largest city of Yekaterinburg, scientists who planted industrial hemp discovered that it absorbs carbon
from clothing and ropes to tableware.Failed pine plantation in the Moscow endeavor is part of a
species capture carbon more effectively and rapidly than conifers, there is hope that forestry management will eventually become more
double carbon absorption by ecosystems by 2050.Experts said this plan would be unrealistic unless significant additional actions are
taken.The forestry expert said that three key measures could bring Russia closer to fulfilling this task: banning logging in virgin forests,
improving firefighting and developing forestry on abandoned agricultural lands.Without more competent forestry management, Russia will not
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