[Brazil] - Brazil's Electric Car Surge: 2024 Sales Already Beat 2023 Totals

significant milestone for the country, highlighting a rapid shift towards sustainable transportation.The National Association of Motor
Vehicle Manufacturers (Anfavea) reported this data
They revealed a 34% increase in electric car sales compared to all of 2023.For the first time in Brazilian automotive history, electric
vehicles are expected to account for over 1% of all car sales this year.From January to May 2024, electric vehicles captured 3% of the total
predicted that sales would peak in June
The import tax on electric vehicles, currently at 18%, will rise in July.This anticipated tax increase is driving a surge in June sales
concerns about the domestic market
While Lima acknowledges these concerns, he assures that there are no immediate plans for protective measures.Anfavea is currently assessing
the impact of the import tariff on electric vehicles
market is on a remarkable upward trajectory
The significant sales increase in early 2024 indicates strong future growth.As the country navigates this green transition, both challenges
and opportunities lie ahead.