[Russia] - Ukraine Says Hit Su-57 Fighter Jet Inside Russia

Ukraine said Sunday it had hit an Su-57 fighter jet parked at an airfield in southern Russia, its first ever attack on Moscow's latest
generation stealth aircraft.The flagship Su-57 entered into service with Russia's aerospace forces in December 2020 and was designed to
replace ageing Soviet-designed fighter aircraft such as the Su-27 and MiG-29."On 8 June 2024, a Su-57 multi-purpose fighter jet of the
aggressor state was struck at the Akhtubinsk airfield in Russia's Astrakhan region, 589 kilometers from the line of contact," Ukraine's GUR
military intelligence said."The defeat of the Su-57 is the first such case in history," the GUR added.It also published before-and-after
satellite imagery of what it said showed fire damage and debris around an Su-57 jet parked on an airfield.The agency did not say how it
carried out the strike and did not claim responsibility directly.But a Ukrainian intelligence source told AFP that the GUR was responsible,
and that it had used Ukrainian-made combat drones in the attack.Ukraine often targets military and energy facilities on Russian territory
with drones, sometimes hundreds of kilometers from the front line.Russian air defencss shot down three drones over the Astrakhan region on
Saturday, according to Moscow's Defense Ministry.