Putin to Visit North Korea, Vietnam – Report

President Vladimir Putin will travel to North Korea and Vietnam in the coming weeks, the business newspaper Vedomosti reported Monday,
purpose.According to an unnamed diplomat cited by Vedomosti, Putin will first travel to North Korea before traveling further to
journalists that preparations were underway for the Kremlin leader to visit North Korea and Vietnam.North Korean leader Kim Jong Un invited
military cooperation with Pyongyang.Since that visit, Western governments have accused North Korea of unlawfully supplying weapons to Russia
North Korean leader Kim Jong Il.Meanwhile, Vietnamese media previously reported that the General Secretary of the Communist Party of
Vietnam, Nguyen Phu Trong, invited Putin to visit the country this year
The Russian leader last traveled to the Southeast Asian country in 2017.Since assuming his fifth term as president in early May, Putin has
made trips to China, Belarus and Uzbekistan.