[Russia] - Bulgarian Nuclear Plant Starts to Replace Russian Fuel

Bulgaria's sole nuclear power plant on Monday began using atomic fuel produced by the U.S.-based Westinghouse Electric Corporation, a key
step as the country shifts away from its reliance on Russian energy.The state-owned Kozloduy plant on the Danube River supplies more than a
third of the country's electricity and has so far relied on Russian fuel for its two operational Soviet-built 1,000-megawatt reactors.The
loaded into the reactor," the plant said in a statement.The gradual transition process toward the new fuel type is expected to take four
years, it added.In the wake of Moscow's 2022 invasion of Ukraine, Kozloduy signed nuclear fuel supply agreements with Westinghouse and
member of both NATO and the EU, depended almost entirely on Russian energy supplies, but it has since diversified.The Kozloduy plant's
second reactor is due to be supplied with Framatome's fuel
In addition, two U.S.-built nuclear reactors are to be installed at Kozloduy by the 2030s.The Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary have also
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