War and Weather: Ukraine’s Grain Output Faces a Harsh Reality in 2024

million tons of barley, as reported by APK-Inform.This downturn is primarily due to the ongoing conflict, which has limited the amount of
safe, cultivable land.Despite the challenges, 2023 saw favorable weather that boosted barley and wheat yields to nearly record highs.Yet,
Grain Output Faces a Harsh Reality in 2024
(Photo Internet reproduction)Grain exports will likely suffer as well, anticipated to fall 26% to 36.16 million tons in the 2024/25 season
from 49.02 million tons the previous year.The forecast includes 12.7 million tons of wheat and 21.3 million tons of corn exports
This marks a reduction from 18.2 million tons of wheat and 28 million tons of corn exported in 2023/24.The ongoing war has not only shrunk
turbulent times, the stakes are high
The country remains a crucial global breadbasket, and its reduced output affects global food prices and supply chains.Despite adversity,
Ukraine strives to maintain its agricultural productivity
It adapts strategies to safeguard this vital sector against both conflict and climate variability.