More than 1,000 recovered drug abuser in Herat return home ahead of Eid

More than 1,000 drug addicts in Herat province have been discharged from a rehabilitation facility in Herat city after treatment, local
officials confirmed Tuesday.According to officials, the addicts received treatment for between six and 12 months.They said the addicts have
all recovered and will return home to their families in time for Eid al-Adha.Doctors said the process of treating addicts in the large
rehabilitation center in Herat is working out well and that most recovered addicts have returned to their normal lives.Drug addicts have
undergone treatment at a rehab center in HeratFor the past year, addicts have undergone treatment at this rehabilitation center, which
officials said has the necessary facilities to treat addicts.Doctors believe that the current method of treatment has proved effective and
that there are few cases of recovering addicts returning to addiction.At the same time, the Herat Anti-Narcotics Police have said that those
who cultivate, produce and smuggle drugs will be dealt with harshly
Currently, most drug dealers in Herat city have been arrested, so the process of treating drug addicts continues smoothly, they
said.According to officials, in addition to the large rehabilitation center in Herat, there are also four small centers for female
addicts. RELATED STORIES Russia&s deputy minister of interior praises IEA for its fight against drugsEfforts being made to eradicate all
traces of drugs: MujahidThe post More than 1,000 recovered drug addicts in Herat return home ahead of Eid first appeared on Ariana News.