Baltic States to Disconnect From Russian Electric Grid in Early 2025

Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania will disconnect their electrical grids from the Russian and Belarussian system (BRELL) in February next year,
in early August when the Baltics inform Russia and Belarus that they do not want to be part of the new annual period starting next
European (UCTE) grid on Feb
9, 2025, the day after disconnecting from BRELL
Desynchronisation was previously planned for the end of 2025
Energy customers are not expected to be impacted by the switch.Decoupling from the Russian and Belarussian grid, which is largely managed by
The three countries consider electricity dependence on Russia a threat to their national security.Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania are the only
EU member states not currently connected to the UCTE grid
during World War II.In 2018, the Baltic nationssigned a deal with the European Commission and Poland that provided funding to upgrade their
new direct cable beneath the Baltic Sea
The deal required that the Baltic states decouple from Russia by 2025
paid for by the EU.The Kaliningrad region, a Russian exclave between Lithuania and Poland, has prepared for the switch by building new gas