[Nepal] - KANALLAN -# 039; s decade of transformation: Empowering lives

KATHMANDU, JUNE 9Over the past decade, KANALLAN, a UK-registered organization under the leadership of Quintin Clover,
has profoundly impacted thousands of lives in Nepal.
Prosperity could be achieved thru digital transformation: Minister
Nawalpur women achieve economic independence from operating
homestay Partnering with Jagriti Child and Youth
Concern Nepal (JCYCN) in Nawalpur District, KANALLAN has implemented numerous initiatives aimed at empowering young girls and children
across the nation.In a statement, KANALLAN said its Girls Empowerment Program has stood out as a beacon of hope, fostering leadership and
personal growth among young girls. Beneficiary Rejina Gharti Magar shared, "KANALLAN and Clover gave us the opportunity to
dream, amplify our ideas, and become leaders
This program has not only inspired individuals but also influenced policies and programs at various levels." The initiative has enabled many
young girls to ascend to leadership roles on local, national, and international platforms, reads the statement.Following Nepal's devastating
earthquakes, KANALLAN played a pivotal role in reconstructing schools in Sindhupalchok, Rasuwa, and Nawalpur districts
These newly built schools have restored essential educational infrastructure, providing safe and conducive learning environments for
countless children.According to the statement, during the COVID-19 pandemic, KANALLAN's swift response delivered essential health equipment,
medicines, and food to various regions, particularly Nawalpur District
By aligning efforts with the Government of Nepal, KANALLAN ensured that critical resources reached those in need, significantly bolstering
national relief efforts.In an ambitious new project, KANALLAN is establishing a state-of-the-art Girls Learning Center in Devchuli
This facility aims to provide young girls and children with access to crucial information about their rights and educational resources
It will also serve as a hub for researchers and academicians, further amplifying its impact, as stated in the statement.Since 2021,
KANALLAN's Child Nutrition Project has been promoting healthy traditional foods and providing nutritious daily midday meals to over 2,000
children annually across 30 schools in Bihadi Rural Municipality, Parbat District
This initiative has markedly improved the nutritional intake and overall health of these children.Tilottam Paudel, Chairperson of JCYCN,
commended Mr
Clover's exceptional dedication: "Clover's leadership has driven transformative change for thousands of children and youth in Nepal
Through KANALLAN's unwavering support, we've empowered and uplifted the most vulnerable in our society," reads the statement.
This article first appeared/also appeared in https://thehimalayantimes.com