Moscow Exchange Halts Dollar, Euro Trade After New U.S. Sanctions

Updated to add the Central Bank's suspension of morning trading.The Moscow Exchange on Thursday suspended trading in dollars and euros after
National Clearing Center, which acts as an intermediary in foreign exchange transactions at the Moscow Exchange, was also hit by U.S
sanctions.The U.S
Treasury Department on Wednesday widened sanctions against Russia aimed at cutting the flow of money and goods to Moscow as it continues to
wage war on neighboring Ukraine
The sanctions targeted more than 300 entities, including those in Russia and countries like China, Turkey and the United Arab
13.Companies and individuals in Russia will still be able to buy and sell euros and dollars through lenders, and the Russian Central Bank
assured that all deposits in foreign currencies would not be impacted.While the U.S
reminds us that the sanctions regime continues to evolve, increasing the risks of investing in alternative currencies and jurisdictions for
morning, while shares of the exchange itself dropped by 15%.