Angola's Soaring Inflation: A Harsh Reality Check for a Struggling Economy

(INE).Annually, this rate has leaped by 19.54 percentage points since May 2023.Provincially, the economic pressure is uneven
Moxico, Luanda, and Benguela felt the brunt, with price hikes reaching 3.00%, 2.96%, and 2.51%, respectively.In stark contrast, provinces
The transportation sector faced the steepest increase, at a staggering 11.23%.Healthcare, clothing, footwear, and various other goods and
skyrocketing by 31.25 percentage points year-over-year
of international price fluctuations leave its economy vulnerable.Inflation erodes purchasing power, affecting everyday Angolans and
complicating efforts toward poverty reduction and economic stabilization.Such economic indicators are critical as they signal potential