Ibovespa Rises Slightly Amid Promises of Spending Cuts

dollar rose 0.28% to R$5.38 ($1.01), while future interest rates fell across the curve.Under pressure to cut expenses rather than increase
emphasized that these cuts would not compromise social investments
Tebet emphasized the need for daily meetings to finalize these plans by the end of June.Ibovespa Climbs, Led by Major Stocks; CVC Declines
on Financial Results
(Photo Internet reproduction)She clarified that, while everything is considered, the minimum wage increase and retirement benefits are
protected.This new approach, supported by Finance Minister Fernando Haddad, aims to restore rationality in government interactions with
market agents, businesspeople, and investors.This is crucial to calm financial markets, which have seen declines due to fiscal concerns over
($14.90 billion) for 2024, worsening from the previous estimate of R$76.825 billion ($14.36 billion).This reflects skepticism about the
surplus of R$2.8 billion ($0.52 billion), but recent reports revised this to a deficit of R$14.5 billion ($2.71 billion), equivalent to 0.1%
of GDP.In contrast, major US indices closed mixed, with the S-P 500 and Nasdaq setting new records
with long-term US interest rates.Stock Market UpdateDespite government efforts, the stock market remains unconvinced
Vale (VALE3) ended down 0.36%, with iron ore posting losses for the week.Petrobras (PETR4) fell 2.20% following management changes and a
slight decline in international oil prices
after approving R$470 million ($87.85 million) in dividends.The Economic Activity Index (IBC-Br) stabilized, edging up by 0.01% in April
after a 0.34% decline in March
Enjoy the calm while it lasts.