[Brazil] - WEG and Horse Forge Path to Eco-Friendly Transport

In a bold move towards greener transportation solutions, Brazilian engineering giant WEG has teamed up with Horse.Horse is a powertrain
company resulting from a Renault and Geely collaboration.This partnership heralds a significant shift in the automotive sector, focusing on
the production of hybrid powertrain systems that promise to revolutionize both light and heavy commercial vehicles.WEG, already a key player
reduce emissions, and lower fuel use.WEG and Horse Forge Path to Eco-Friendly Transport
It blends this heritage with cutting-edge innovations to spearhead developments in low-emission technologies.Established earlier this year,
Horse operates globally, aiming to lead the market in sustainable vehicle solutions.This partnership is not just a business venture but a
strategic alignment that could reshape global transportation norms by significantly cutting vehicular emissions.The impact of this
collaboration extends beyond immediate business gains
with environmental responsibilities, WEG and Horse are setting new standards.They are potentially influencing a wide array of future
a beacon for the future of transportation.By driving the development of hybrid technologies, WEG and Horse are paving the way for a cleaner,
more sustainable world.In short, they illustrate how innovation and environmental stewardship can go hand in hand.