[Sri Lanka] - Sufficient progress for Sri Lanka s financial obligation restructuring to move forward - IMF

held virtually this morning (14), IMF Senior Mission Chief for Sri Lanka Peter Breuer stated that the IMF fully respect the democratic
process for elections to take place in any country and they adapt to the relevant process.Furthermore, he mentioned that the elections may
fully respect the democratic process for elections to take place in any country and we adapt to that process
So, this may affect a little bit the timing of our missions that we conduct in order to discuss compliance with the programme and reforms
Breuer added.In response to a question raised by a journalist whether there is scope to adjust the programme and reduce taxes by a newly
appointed government following the elections, the IMF Senior Mission Chief for Sri Lanka expressed that it is significant how the reduction
the IMF report] to tell the story how the reduction in government revenues had contributed to this very severe crisis to this very severe
crisis in Sri Lanka
here we should bring revenue closer to the expenditures that the government is facing to reduce the gap between expenditure and revenue, and
that will help to make the debt sustainable again and force Sri Lanka to be able to finance itself at interest rates it can afford and the
Breuer highlighted that the law will help to ensure that the funds are being spent by the government as intended.