[Brazil] - Europe's New Conservative Era: Implications for Left-Wing Leaders Like Lula

(Analysis) In the aftermath of the June 2024 EU elections, a strong right-wing shift emerged within European politics.This trend gained
European tilt towards conservative ideologies became apparent.This transition away from entrenched left-wing influences could instigate
significant modifications to European legislation and socio-political landscapes.Established labor protections, social policies, and
environmental regulations may see reevaluation.Market-friendly policies such as tax cuts, deregulation, and privatization may dominate,
(Photo Internet reproduction)This dissatisfaction fuels nationalist movements prioritizing sovereignty and identity over EU multiculturalism
trade impacts and rising political extremism.However, it will be significant that leftist figures like Lula and Petro can no longer rely on
constituents of European support for their views and disapproval of the opposition, thereby gaining popular backing.This has always made a
strong impression on e.g
many poorly educated Brazilians, who then revered Lula as a visionary leader.Lula remains a hero in the less educated Northeast, while the