Cyril Ramaphosa re-elected South African president

centre-right Democratic Alliance (DA) and smaller parties.In his victory speech, Mr Ramaphosa hailed the new coalition, and said voters
political drama, which saw the National Assembly sitting late into the evening for votes to confirm who would hold power in the new
administration.Earlier, a deal was struck following weeks of speculation about whom the ANC would partner with after losing its
both president and ANC leader following a bitter power struggle in 2018 - was able to retain power.The next step is for Mr Ramaphosa to
allocate cabinet positions, which will include members of the DA.The multi-party deal does not involve two ANC breakaway parties, and they
will probably benefit if it fails to deliver economic improvements demanding by voters.But opinion polls suggest many South Africans want
which saw Nelson Mandela become president.However, support for the party has been dropping significantly because of anger over high levels
during apartheid - a charge the party denies.Addressing lawmakers late on Friday in Cape Town, John Steenhuisen, the leader of the DA, said:
the ANC, while the post of deputy speaker went to the DA.Among the party leaders speaking after the agreement was reached on Friday was
Julius Malema, head of the Economic Freedom Fighters - the party he founded after leaving the ANC in 2013.He said while his party accepted