[Afghanistan] - German federal government goes over deportations to Afghanistan by means of Uzbekistan

Ger­many&s government is holding talks with Uzbekistan to enable deportations from Germany to Afghanistan without direct consultations with
the Taliban, according to a report in German magazine Der Spiegel on Sunday.A delegation from the interior ministry travelled to the Uzbek
capital Tashkent in late May for this purpose, the magazine said.The delegation suggested to the Uzbek government that Afghan depor­tation
candidates should be brought to Tashkent
From there they could be transported to Kabul via private airline KamAir, the report said. Earlier in June, Germ­any&s interior minister
Na­ncy Faeser said Germ­any was considering depor­ting Afghan migrants who posed a security threat back to Afghanistan, after a deadly
stabbing of a police officer drew calls for a tougher line on migration.The Uzbek government wants to sign a formal migration agreement with
Germany before a deal on deportations, the Spiegel report said.This agreement should regulate the entry of Uzbek skilled workers into
Germany, and Berlin&s special representative for migration agreements will travel to Uzbekistan next week, Spiegel said.A week ago, the
Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA) called on Germany to avoid deportation of Afghans to a third country, but address the matter through
normal consular engagement. Related stories:IEA urges Germany to avoid deportation of Afghans to third countryGerman chancellor vows to
deport criminals following brutal attack by Afghan migrantThe post German government discusses deportations to Afghanistan via Uzbekistan
first appeared on Ariana News.