Nationwide monsoon escalation expected by sunday

KATHMANDU, JUNE 20This year's monsoon, which has already entered the country, is
expected to spread nationwide by this coming Sunday.
Monsoon to become active in Kathmandu Valley from Saturday
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According to the Meteorological Forecasting Division,
the monsoon reached Lumbini Province today and is likely to extend across the country by June 23.Although June 13 is typically the expected
date for the arrival of the monsoon in Nepal, it entered the country via the eastern part on June 10
The progression to the western and far-western regions takes more time due to the influence of the Westerly wind. Once the
monsoon becomes more active, it will gradually alleviate the issues caused by heat waves
Last year, it took three weeks for the monsoon to spread across the country after its arrival.According to the Division, tonight will be
generally cloudy in Koshi Province, Madesh Province, Bagmati Province, and Gandaki Province, while the rest of the country will be partly
cloudy to mainly fair.Light to moderate rain with thunder and lightning is likely to occur in many places in Koshi Province, Madesh
Province, Bagmati Province, and Gandaki Province, as well as in a few places in the hilly region of Lumbini Province and at one or two
places in the rest of the country.There are chances of heavy rainfall in one or two places in Koshi Province and Gandaki Province.
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