[Russia] - Germany Arrests 3 Men Suspected of Spying on Ukrainian National

German prosecutors announced Friday that they had arrested three men suspected of spying for a foreign intelligence service.The three
federal prosecutors said in a statement.The men were only identified as Robert A
from Ukraine, Vardges I
from Armenia and Russian citizen Arman S.Prosecutors did not specify which foreign secret service the men were allegedly working for and
declined to comment further when contacted by AFP."The three suspects were acting on behalf of a foreign intelligence service in Germany,"
the statement said, adding that the trio had on June 19 "scouted a cafe in Frankfurt am Main where the target person was thought to
be."Germany has uncovered numerous espionage cases on its soil since Russia's invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.A former German
intelligence officer is currently on trial in Berlin, accused of handing information to Moscow that showed Germany had access to details of
Russian mercenary operations in Ukraine
He denies the charges.Last month, a former German soldier was sentenced to three and a half years in jail for sharing secret military
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