[Russia] - Putin Makes Overtures to North Korea, Vietnam in Bid to Intimidate Ukraine's Allies

President Vladimir Putin signed a military partnership deal with North Korea and visited U.S
stage as they would like.Putin, who is on the International Criminal Court's wanted list, has repeatedly voiced outrage at the West for
authorizing Ukraine to use long-range weapons to strike Russian territory, its supply of fighter jets to Kyiv and its general refusal to
But we will muck around everywhere, and this is no joke
For the U.S
It is one of two countries that recognized Russia's 2014 annexation of Crimea and its 2022 annexation of four partially occupied Ukrainian
regions.Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-un at a gala banquet in Pyongyang.Vladimir Smirnov, TASS / kremlin.ruMoscow has not reciprocated the
Kremlin has often sympathized with Seoul over the Soviet-inspired regime in Pyongyang, Fyodor Tertitskiy, a senior research fellow at
Kookmin University in Seoul, told The Moscow Times."Moscow has maintained neutrality in Korea, and was even more favorable to the South than
due to the invasion of Ukraine has drastically changed the situation."We realize that nothing will work out for us in the West in the next
decade or two," the source close to the Foreign Ministry said
Korea, which includes a mutual defense clause, is practical as well as symbolic.President Vladimir Putin with Vietnamese counterpart To
contribution to the frontline
There were hundreds of trains
That's millions of shells
That's a lot, really
Korea, he needed to show that he can still go to democratic countries that are not in confrontation with the rest of the world," Korostikov
said.Russian state oil company Zarubezhneft has been operating in Vietnam since the Soviet era
Though Gazprom had plans to develop an offshore site, geopolitics have thrown a wrench in these plans, said Sergey Vakulenko, a nonresident
scholar at the Carnegie Russia Eurasia Center."Vietnam has a long coastline and an extensive shelf with proven oil-bearing capacity, so
there is also a reason for further exploration
But there are problems with this shelf, as China claims the entire South China Sea, and it is unlikely that Russia will challenge this now,"
Vakulenko told The Moscow Times.Large-scale agreements for oil and gas projects between Moscow and Hanoi have often fallen apart during
Russia is Vietnam's main arms supplier and is perceived by local elites as a good partner for diversifying international ties at a time when
maximum level of confrontation with the U.S
that Vietnam is willing to engage in, Korostikov said
cause serious problems for Hanoi, since Vietnam, unlike the DPRK, is fully embedded in the global economy and maintains good relations with
now, or a Vietnam policy
Our policy is to achieve the best results on the battlefield," a Russian government official told The Moscow Times.He added: "This is a
signal to the U.S
and other countries that we can create partnerships in other regions that are unpleasant for them
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