Brazil’s Coffee Outlook for 2024/25: Growth Amid Challenges

crops, but timely rains nurtured the cherries, lifting the yield prospects.Exports will increase by a million bags to 42.5 million,
2024/25: Growth Amid Challenges
where yields dwindled under similar conditions.Across the seas, Vietnam faces its own set of challenges, battling unfavorable weather that
threatens to trim its upcoming harvest.This underscores a global interconnectivity where regional weather events tug at the threads of
international coffee markets.Some experts voice a concern shared by many others: that these climatic uncertainties might push coffee prices
million tons due to Brazilian and Indonesian growth.Consumption too is on the rise, aiming to reach 170.6 million bags.This narrative is not
trade, influence markets, and fuel millions daily.As Brazil manages natural and market challenges, the world anticipates stable, abundant
coffee supplies.