Afghanistan’s internal issues will not be raised at Doha meeting: Mujahid

Women’s rights is an internal issue and it will not be raised at the upcoming international meeting on Afghanistan in Doha, Zabihullah
Mujahid, spokesman of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA), said on Saturday.Mujahid told a press conference in Kabul that the Islamic
Emirate’s conditions for participation in the meeting had been accepted and its delegation would go to Doha to talk and resolve the
problems.He added that the third Doha meeting will discuss economic issues, narcotics and the achievements of the Islamic Emirate.“Within
the framework of the country’s national interests, we ask all countries not to leave the people of Afghanistan alone in these difficult
circumstances, but to fulfill their obligations towards the rights of the Afghan people and to contribute to the reconstruction and economic
strengthening of Afghanistan and to remove obstacles,” Mujahid said.He also called on the countries participating in the Doha meeting to
engage positively with the Islamic Emirate.The third UN-sponsored meeting on Afghanistan is scheduled to begin tomorrow (Sunday) in the
Qatari capital Doha.Special representatives of countries on Afghanistan are expected to attend the meeting.Zabihullah Mujahid will lead
IEA’s six-member delegation at the meeting
The delegation includes representatives of IEA’s political office in Qatar, the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, counter-narcotics
deputyship of the Interior Ministry and Da Afghanistan Bank. Related stories:UN-led Doha meeting with IEA not about recognition, says
UNRights groups upset over exclusion of Afghan women at UN-led Doha meetingThe post Afghanistan’s internal issues will not be raised at
Doha meeting: Mujahid first appeared on Ariana News.