[Afghanistan] - At Doha meeting, IEA delegation says policy differences are 'natural', prompts lifting of sanctions

Addressing the third UN-sponsored international meeting on Afghanistan in Doha, the delegation of the Islamic Emirate said on Saturday that
differences between countries regarding each other&s policies are &natural& and that the international community should lift the sanctions
imposed on Afghanistan.Zabihullah Mujahid, the spokesman of the Islamic Emirate, who heads the delegation at the Doha meeting, said at the
inauguration of the meeting that the process of easing sanctions is &slow-paced& and this has created various challenges for the government
and the private sector.&Afghans, who have been suffering from war and insecurity as a result of foreign invasions and interference for
almost half a century, ultimately, gained independence, ended the war and built a system aimed at fostering positive engagement with the
world, however, in return they faced sanctions and restrictions,& Mujahid said.He admitted that some countries have &problems& with some of
the measures of the Islamic Emirates, but added that policy differences between states are &natural.&&The policy differences should not
escalate to the extent that powerful countries use their leverage to impose security, political, and economic pressures on our people,
affecting the lives of our nation in a significant way,& he said.Mujahid pointed out that despite the sanctions, the Islamic Emirate banned
the cultivation, processing and smuggling of poppy that affected the world.He also said that those who are directly involved in atrocities
in Gaza &lack the moral standing to lecture us on human rights.& Related stories:Afghanistan&s internal issues will not be raised at Doha
meeting: MujahidUN-led Doha meeting with IEA not about recognition, says UNThe post At Doha meeting, IEA delegation says policy differences
are ‘natural&, urges lifting of sanctions first appeared on Ariana News.