West Condemns Russian Strike on Kyiv Children’s Hospital

on Ukrainian cities which killed at least 20 on Monday.Russia fired dozens of missiles at cities across Ukraine in a massive barrage that
Lammy condemned the hospital strike as "an appalling attack on Ukrainian civilians".Lammy, appointed Britain's top diplomat last Friday
after Labour's general election victory, added: "The UK's support to Ukraine is iron-clad
targeting a children's hospital can be added to the list of war crimes for which Russia will have to account," the ministry said, as
All responsible for Russian war crimes will be held to account," Borrell posted on X.The UN harshly condemned Monday's wave of deadly
Russian strikes across Ukraine, saying "dozens of people have been killed and injured"."It is unconscionable that children are killed and
injured in this war," Denise Brown, humanitarian coordinator for Ukraine, said in a statement."Under international humanitarian law,
hospitals have special protection
Civilians must be protected," she added.Russia's Defense Ministry said the damage was caused by a Ukrainian air defense missile, insisting
that its forces had struck only their "intended" defense industry and military targets.