[Sri Lanka] - Sri Lanka s fate would stay tragic even with LG surveys amidst financial healing President

President Ranil Wickremesinghe stated that if funds had been allocated to the local government elections, the country would have faced a
tragic situation instead of focusing on economic recovery
The President emphasized that several critical areas needed funding priority over the elections
foundation.President Wickremesinghe made these remarks while attending a meeting with former heads of local government institutions held
today (20) at the Monarch Imperial Hotel, Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte
This meeting was organized in response to a request from local government representatives from across the island.President Ranil
There was not only an economic collapse but also a breakdown in law and politics
Even political parties were in disarray.When I was invited to take on the role of Prime Minister, I accepted it without hesitation
Before me, the opposition leader and other party leaders were invited, but none of them stepped up to accept the challenge
Once I accepted the challenge, I called upon all parties to unite in rebuilding the country.I first sought to discuss the situation with the
President of the Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna (SLPP)
However, the chairman of that party did not agree
I then engaged in discussions with former President Mahinda Rajapaksa
He stated that he would consult with his party and inform me of their decision
Subsequently, former President Rajapaksa and the SLPP announced their support for me.On the occasion, I also sought the support of the
Samagi Jana Balawegaya (SJB)
However, its leader, Sajith Premadasa, stated that he would contest the parliamentary vote to elect the President
In the end, he did not run himself and instead nominated Dullas Alahapperuma
Despite this, a group of SJB members voted for me
I also engaged in discussions with the Tamil parties and other factions, securing their support as well.Upon becoming President, I faced
numerous challenges
The economy had completely collapsed
The grassroots governance and political mechanisms were in disarray
be intimidated into taking to the streets
This situation was not limited to members of the SLPP but extended to members of other parties as well
If this continued, the rioters would seize power at the grassroots level, attempting to take control of villages.Gradually, I was able to
steer the country forward by overcoming these challenges
Throughout this journey, we had to face protests and agitations, but we persevered.The local government election occurred against this
However, there were insufficient funds to allocate for it
Many issues needed prioritization over that election, such as allocating money for importing medicines and fuel.At that time, the Election
Commission sought advice from Mr
Saliya Peiris P.C
without consulting the Attorney General regarding the local government election, which was a misguided action
Eventually, its members resigned, and a new team was appointed
I made it clear the truth then that there was no money in the country to hold local government elections.If I had not acted this way and
held the election, neglecting economic development, the country would be in a much worse state today
If they had done that, would it have been possible to recover from the state of the country? Would it have been possible to allocate three
economy forward on a strong foundation
That is why people have money in their hands today
I wanted to provide some relief to the people who are suffering in the country
Ten kilos of rice were given to each household
Ownership of the Housing are given to those who live in flats
Also, the agricultural modernization program has been started.The decentralized budget enabled us to allocate money for the implementation
of development programs at the ground level
Due to these measures, the people have received relief today.On that day, a large number of people in the country announced that they would
give their votes to the Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP)
But today that situation has changed
They are not even found today
Another part declared that they would vote for Sajith Premadasa
Today they are also silent
Due to the strong program we have launched, they have not been able to go among the people
They have not been able to face the program that we have created
They have no answers
But our program is still in the beginning.We accept that injustice has been done to all of you gathered here today
We have planned to discuss this issue with the Attorney General
Anyway, we will take steps to remove the current ban after the upcoming elections
Election cannot be held after a year has passed since the submission of nominations
Newcomers should also be given the opportunity to compete
I remember accepting nominations for the local government elections in 1988
But during that time, due to the revolt of the JVP, all those nominations were cancelled and nominations were called again.In this way, we
will act in the future to do justice to all of you
A good situation has been created for you today to reach the people at the grassroots
Take the advantage of it and go among the people and speak the truth with them
You can do it.The JVP or the SJB do not have a clear plan or vision to solve the problems in the country and build a better future for the
People have now realized the deception they are leading
You cannot move a country forward with lies
We should see how to develop Sri Lanka in the way that countries like Singapore and Japan have progressed
The political system should be built in a way that is suitable for the country
There may be several parties, but the goal should be one.There may be times when political parties work together as well as when they work
But it should also be possible to work together within one framework.Another major problem in this country today is creating job
opportunities for the youth who are suffering from unemployment
Among those activities, the poor people of the country, who make up about 25%, cannot be forgotten
We have to act to save the people from that situation
There are various economic programs for that
We should implement them and work in a planned manner to reduce the number of poor people at the rural level.We have already passed the
election using the old system was submitted by MP Sumanthiran
organizing their activities for the presidential election for about six months now
They have been running for about a year
They need more life
Let us start our work on time
including the Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna, hold a discussion every Monday
During one such meeting, President Ranil Wickremesinghe requested Mr
Basil Rajapaksa to arrange a meeting with local government representatives
Former President Mahinda Rajapaksa also valued the support of local government members.When former President Mahinda Rajapaksa was defeated
in 2015, it was the local government councillors who worked tirelessly to restore him to power
Recognizing their crucial role, President Wickremesinghe has also sought to meet with local government representatives to hear their views
Their support is essential for the President to secure victory in the upcoming elections, as local government representatives have always
President Ranil Wickremesinghe by casting 134 votes in Parliament to elect him
We appointed you with the support of the Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna because we believed in your ability to lead the country democratically
Today, you have created an environment where political activity can flourish, and you have also steered the country away from economic
bankruptcy.The President has never made false promises
When he commits to something, he delivers, demonstrating the qualities of a seasoned political leader.You have lived up to our expectations
and preserved the trust we placed in you
We extend our gratitude and respect for your leadership
You have taught us valuable political lessons on decision-making
When I was appointed as the State Minister of Local Government, local government elections were imminent, and the country was in a difficult
Around 90,000 nominations were submitted, but many of the political parties involved no longer exist, and some of the nominees have left the
country.Despite numerous challenges, you ensured that the jobs of approximately 8,400 local government employees were secured
Your intervention helped them achieve permanent employment with pensions
You also addressed deficiencies in the Ministry of Local Government with promptness and decisiveness
Thanks to your bold leadership, we now have a conducive environment for holding political elections.As local government representatives, you
should work diligently to support President Ranil Wickremesinghe and ensure that he has the opportunity to continue his work in the next 05
Vajira Abeywardena,As President Ranil Wickremesinghe has mentioned, the country is forging a new path
You have supported the national leader, Ranil Wickremesinghe, not based on political party affiliations, but out of a significant personal
You have lost your homes, properties, and even future political opportunities in the process
For this, we offer our deepest respect and gratitude.Two years ago today, leaders and MPs from various parties, including the Sri Lanka
Podujana Peramuna, elected Mr
Ranil Wickremesinghe as the eighth executive president with 134 parliamentary votes
Although the United National Party had long strived for this, it was achieved through your efforts
We must acknowledge this accomplishment
President Wickremesinghe is known for his gratitude, so we must proceed carefully.The presidential election is due before October 17
As we prepare, some concerns and questions need addressing
Some claim that the election may be postponed due to a lack of campaign slogans or suggest that the 22nd Amendment aims to delay the
However, Article 83 of the Constitution is clear: it does not impact the presidential election
The proposed constitutional amendment is meant to correct past errors
Fernando, State Minister Arundika Fernando, Members of Parliament, Attorney-at-Law Premanath C
Dolawatta, Attorney-at-Law Madhura Withanage, Secretary General of the United National Party Palitha Range Bandara, former mayor Nandana
Gunathilaka, and representatives from Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna, United National Party, Sri Lanka Freedom Party, as well as other former
Mayors, Deputy Mayors, Chairmen, Vice Presidents, and other officials.--PMD