Body of an employee swept away by flood in Bhojpur discovered

BHOJPUR, JULY 31The body of a worker who went missing after being swept away by the
flood has been found.
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Deputy Superintendent of Police Yuvraj Timsina said the body of 30-year-old Ramesh Tharu of
Barbardiya Rural Municipality-3 of Bardiya, who was working in the Ikhuwa hydropower project based on the Ikhuwa River under construction in
Gothe Bazar, Salpasilicho Rural Municipality-4 in the northern region of Bhojpur, was found today at Satighat of Arun River.The flood of the
Ikhuwa River had swept away two workers at the Ikhuwa hydropower project on Tuesday
Among them, 26-year-old Shyam Kumar Tharu is still missing. Deputy Superintendent of Police Timsina said that the search
for him is ongoing
Similarly, 26-year-old Ramkisan Tharu was rescued by the locals.A team from Police Station Chaukidanda, Area Police Office Dingla and Armed
Police Force Temporary Base Camp Chaukidanda has been deployed to search for the missing persons.Meanwhile, the flood that occurred on
Tuesday night swept away two houses in Shadananda Municipality-2
According to the police inspector of the district police office, Deepak Shrestha, the house of local Chitra Bahadur Darji and Nirmala Rai
were swept away by the flood.
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