[Afghanistan] - Bayat Power in talks with Afghan authorities for Phase 2 of gas to electricity task

Bayat Power officials say they are hoping to start work soon on Phase 2 of Bayat Power-1 in northern Jawzjan province in order to increase
electricity production output for Afghanistan.Company officials said Tuesday they have started discussions with relevant government
departments to start the project.Mohammad Shoaib Sahibzada, the technical head of Bayat Power, said that once Phase 2 is complete,
electricity production will increase from 40 to 100 megawatts.Sahibzada said Bayat Power&s natural gas to electricity generation project
will eventually produce up to 250 megawatts of electricity once Phase 3 is complete.&Currently, it has a production of 40 megawatts, and in
the second phase, it will produce 100 megawatts
Bayat Power is in contact with the relevant officials regarding the start of the second phase, the discussions are ongoing,& said
Sahibzada.Bayat Power has produced one billion kilowatt hours of electricity in under five years after starting commercial operations in
late 2019.Sahibzada said that over the past five years, the company has also worked on capacity building of its technical employees.After 40
years, Bayat Power is the first private company to produce electricity from natural gas in the country and the multi-million dollar plant
uses Siemens Energy&s SGT-A45 mobile gas turbine for its economic efficiency, flexible deployment, and power density.Currently providing
electricity to hundreds of thousands of end-users and generating more than 300 million kWh annually, the project was structured as an
innovative public-private partnership between Bayat Power, Siemens Energy, and Afghanistan government entities such as theMinistry of Mines
and Petroleum, the Ministry of Energy and Water, and the General Directorate of Afghan Gas Corporation Company, Da Afghanistan Breshna
Sherkat (DABS), and international partners.The Bayat Group is the largest private investor in Afghanistan and Bayat Power is currently the
only gas-powered plant in the country
The Siemens Energy&s SGT-A45 mobile gas turbine used by the company is the only one in operation in the world.The former head of DABS
Amanullah Ghalib said this week that Bayat Power was a good example of Afghanistan being able to implement big projects.&To achieve
self-sufficiency, one of the most important resources for Afghanistan is natural gas
Afghanistan has a lot of natural gas resources in the north and northeast, from which it can become self-sufficient for electricity
production and reduce its dependence on its neighbors,& said Ghalib.&Bayat Power project is one of the very effective and good examples that
Afghanistan can use its experience and implement bigger projects in the future,& Ghalib added.Related Stories: Bayat Power blazes ahead as
it hits the one billion kWh of energy production milestoneAfghanistan&s Bayat Power the Proud Winner of Asian Power Award 2023The post Bayat
Power in talks with Afghan officials for Phase 2 of gas to electricity project first appeared on Ariana News.