[Brazil] - Brazil's Cruise Industry Hits Record Highs in Economic Impact

impacts surged to R$5.2 billion ($937 million), marking a 126% increase from a decade ago when revenues stood at R$2.3 billion ($415
million).This data was unveiled at the 6th CLIA Brazil Forum in Brasilia
During the cabotage season, which features ships departing from and returning to Brazilian ports, nine vessels served 19 cities across
Brazil and South America.This operation generated 80,311 jobs, marking a slight increase of 0.9% from the previous season
It also accommodated 844,462 passengers, the highest in twenty years.Each cruise guest spent an average of R$668.91 ($121), with
invested in this sector yielded a return of R$4.22 ($0.76) for the economy.Survey results showed that 92% of cruise passengers want to sail
again, and 87% plan to revisit the destinations they explored
for the 2024/2025 season are even more ambitious
Between October 2024 and May 2025, 45 ships are expected to navigate Brazilian waters, offering over 861,000 beds.The estimate puts the
economic impact at around R$5.3 billion ($955 million) and predicts the creation of 81,000 jobs.Travelers will have extensive opportunities
to explore the coastal regions with over 700 planned stops in about 40 Brazilian cities.World Travel Awards named Brazil the best cruise
It illustrates the substantial role of maritime tourism in national economic development.