Brazil blocking Elon Musk's X costs millions of users, little in sales

What will be harder to quantify, though, is the cultural impact of leaving Brazil and ceding the largest country in South America to
network, X, will have little impact on the business, which has long relied on the South American nation for user growth and cultural
largest markets in terms of users, according to several former employees, who declined to be named sharing private figures
overall business, any revenue is important for the company, which is still fighting to win back advertisers and pay off significant debt
Some of the largest advertisers who used to buy X ads in Brazil, including Apple Inc
and Walt Disney Co., have already halted or cut back spending on the service
rocket company, SpaceX, as a way to apply pressure on him
to competitors
Executives at X, previously called Twitter, relied on Brazil to study consumer behaviour trends
In 2013, then Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff returned to Twitter after a multi-year hiatus to help revitalise her re-election bid, which
she won in 2014, offering Twitter employees a chance to observe its service in a heated democratic political contest
User conversations around the 2014 World Cup and 2016 Olympics in Brazil also played a role in how Twitter executives thought about live
events on the service, former employees said. Market research company eMarketer estimates that X has just over 40 million monthly users in
Brazil, down nearly 5 per cent from two years prior
Before the ban, eMarketer projected that audience to fall another 6 per cent over the next two years.Some competitors are already reaping
Bluesky, a decentralised social networking service that was funded by Twitter and then-Chief Executive Officer Jack Dorsey back in 2019,
added more than a million new users over a three-day period coinciding with the ban, the company said Saturday.First Published: Sep 05 2024
| 8:51 AMIST