EU Warns Serbia Over Close Ties With Moscow After Deputy PM Meets With Putin

Brussels on Thursday warned Serbia that keeping strong ties with Moscow was "not compatible" with its aspiration to join the bloc after a
top government official met with Russian President Vladimir Putin earlier this week.Serbia's Deputy Prime Minister Aleksandar Vulin
Wednesday."Maintaining or even increasing the ties with Russia during the time of its illegal aggression against the Ukrainian people, is
not compatible with EU values and is not compatible with the EU accession process," the bloc's foreign affairs spokesman Peter Stano
said.Serbia was granted EU candidate status in 2012 and has been waiting for membership since
As part of the accession process, countries are expected to align their foreign policies with the EU, Stano said."We expect Serbia to avoid
deepening its ties with Russia," he said at a press conference in Brussels.Serbia has historically close ties with Moscow and relies heavily
on Russian gas
comments broadcast by Russian state television, said that "Serbia will never join NATO, will never impose sanctions on Russia and will never
allow any anti-Russian actions to be carried out from its territory."