Hunter Biden plead guilty to tax evasion charges in Los Angeles

Court.Hunter Biden, 54, was indicted in California in December on nine counts related to a Justice Department investigation into his taxes
Federal prosecutors charged him with evading at least US$1.4 million in tax payments.The only surviving son of President Biden had
previously pleaded not guilty in the case
But a lawyer for him announced in court Thursday that Hunter Biden planned to change his not guilty plea before the start of his
to 17 years behind bars, but federal sentencing guidelines are likely to call for a much shorter sentence.His sentencing is scheduled for
Dec 16, shortly after the 2024 US presidential election set to be held on Nov 5.Hunter Biden was convicted of three felony gun charges in a
separate case in June
His conviction is related to purchasing a firearm in 2018 while addicted to crack cocaine, which is the first time in US history that a