[India] - US elections: Trump pledges 100% tariff for nations that avoid dollar

included export controls, currency manipulation charges and tariffs, people familiar with the matter have previously told Bloomberg
China, India, Brazil, Russia and South Africa discussed de-dollarisation at a summit last year
dollar dominance has lessened in recent decades, the US currency still accounted for 59 per cent of official foreign-exchange reserves in
the first quarter of 2024, with the euro second at almost 20 per cent, according to the International Monetary Fund. Wisconsin is one of
the most critical swing states in the race between Trump and Democratic rival Kamala Harris
swing that included Pennsylvania and North Carolina, as well as a stop in his hometown of New York City where he delivered an
economy-focused address and held a press conference. Harris spent Saturday in Pennsylvania preparing for a Tuesday debate with Trump, the
next big test that could change the course of the close race.First Published: Sep 08 2024 | 7:29 AMIST